Monday, April 21, 2014

Spruced Up for Spring

With summer quickly approaching, and many family gatherings planned, it is time to spruce up the cabana for many fun filled days of swimming, baseball viewing and impromptu evening drinks with the neighbors.  This structure was added last spring, so I am in the process of collecting landscape pictures and ideas.   We are in a multiple year drought with no end in sight, so most of my new plants will have to be drought tolerant which means  native grasses, Lantana, and such.

I am thinking of adding waist high planter boxes around the perimeter of the cabana for bit of privacy.
 This side (above) just needs plants for color and interest as it backs up to a ranch.  Don't want to block the views.
Our neighbors were preparing for a trip, so the travel trailer is usually stored elsewhere, but this side (above) faces a county road, so I want shrubs to help with privacy, but I don't want to completely block the view.

To help block the area from the street and drive (below),  I would like waist high planter boxes filled with shrubs.

Easter weekend brought spring showers.  It was so refreshing and added instant green.  Ready to get started on the project.


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