Monday, March 31, 2014

Rabbits and Eggs and Cookies, Oh My!

I am so thankful that Spring has arrived.  I am looking forward to Easter this year as we have our first grand baby.  She is not old enough to hunt Easter eggs, so in her honor,  I decided to purchase these whimsical salad plates from Pottery Barn.  Normally, our children's Easter baskets (yes, I continue to fill a basket for my adult children) adorn the table as a center piece, but I like this much better.

The cookies are a lemon ice box cream filled cookie.  One day while in Fort Worth, I stopped in McKinley's to buy a piece of cake and pie as a surprise for my husband.  They had three Lemon Cream Cookies, so I added them to my bag.  I ate one on the way home.  Oh my goodness was it good.  If you have never been, and are in the area, do go by and taste their baked goods.  These were melt in your math delicious.  Of course, I have to make them now, so I have been sampling different recipes.  I have not found one quite as good as theirs, but these from Betty Crocker come close.

Mr. Rabbit is ready for Easter.  He is thinking about taking a bite of the cookie!

The glass  cloches were a Christmas gift  a few years ago.  My daughter helped create a table scape for a spring and summer setting. I use Robin's Egg Blue throughout my home, so these eggs are the perfect touch.

 The moss covered ball and bird freshen the  table scape.

No time for cooking today.   I must venture outside to work in my flower beds and garden and listen to the birds sing as they build their nests and to the wind stir the blossoms on the fruit trees.  Enjoy!


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