Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Reuse, Recycle, renew

Reuse, recycle, renew

Brrrrrrr it is cold in Texas.  It reminds me of the cold northern winds that would sweep down through the Texas south plains region.  Nothing could keep the cold out.  My husband and I built our first home in 1981, and we moved in just in time to have Christmas Eve in our new home with my family.  We discovered that the spot for our refrigerator was more shallow than we had imagined it thus a trip to buy a new and smaller refrigerator was necessary leaving me to fret about where all of the prepared food would be stored.  As any Texan knows, 80 degrees on Monday does not mean 80 degrees on Wednesday, and so it was that Christmas Eve.  Temps plummeted to freezing with wind chills well below 0 degrees thank goodness.  My garage served as our walk in freezer for three days.  What a blessing that was!

All this weather has served to do for me this week is make me want to cook and eat.  As I am constantly watching calories, that combination is lethal to even the most motivated of dieters.  I decided to begin looking at storage containers and such for my pantry instead.  As mentioned in my earlier post, I need to utilize space better.  I have ordered a few items from, so I will let you know with pictures and post how that works out.

I have moved furniture, taken pictures of spaces I need to fill and organized my Christmas papers and ribbons.  Several years ago, I began buying recycled Christmas paper and satin ribbon.  While it is more expensive (sometimes double the cost of regular paper), my intent was to reuse and recycle the papers.  I am happy to say that I reused all of the paper and ribbon I saved.  Luckily, my children did not take any of the ribbon from their packages this year, so I will not have to purchase any ribbon for next.  My daughter wraps her packages in greens, browns and golds with a bit of whimsical ribbon (dog bones) while I chose blues and reds.  I now have enough ribbon to last throughout the year. I also saved gift tags.  I ran out of tags about 1/2 way through my wrapping, and because I don't like to drive into town for one item, I used key tags.  It worked great and I now have all of my tags for my husband, children and Miss Lucy, our first grandchild.

Notice all of the bright wrappings and ribbons.  Some of the papers are water color paintings.  The tin to the left houses traditional Christmas colors-red and gold.  The tags are the baggie with mostly white.

Wrapped packages under my tree. Colors were chosen to emphasize hand painted and vintage Christmas balls. Nothing fancy although for next year I am inspired to add some creativity to my packages with the help of  a lovely site on Pinterest called Two Pink Peas that creates cards, gift sacks and tags.  Check it out if you are wanting to create something unique for your next gift giving.

Time to wrap this up until next time remember that a recycle here and reuse there Will make all difference to our world.


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